Thoughts on Transitioning into Software Engineering

Nick Silas
3 min readSep 9, 2021


Today marks 6 months since I finished schooling to pivot into software engineering. It has been a long road (see every blog I wrote previously). I can say I did not anticipate it to be this difficult but I can also say I am happy to see how it hasn’t defeated me either. Sometimes, it feels like I am gaining momentum and moving through interviews like a hot knife through butter. Other times, it feels like I am just jousting windmills. I have recently began to pick up a few part time gigs to make ends meet while I continue this journey. I’d like to share a couple tips I have learned along the way.

First thing first, if you are entering the workforce again while you are trying to get into the software engineering field, set your schedule up in a way that does not hamper the hunt. If that means that you are going back to a day job, try to set yourself up with a day or two off. If that isn’t available, do what you can to block out as much time as you can when you are away from the job hunt to allow you to continue. I cannot speak on anyone who has a family, what I can speak on is how I have/am balancing my hunt while I work. I found that the hospitality industry allows me a bit more freedom when it comes to the job search. I have set up my schedule to allow me to have time to work on nights and weekends while I search for a job.

Having a carved out time is important but so is strengthening your knowledge and portfolio while you hunt. Overworking will lead to a lack of creativity and a desire to push further. Do not overburden yourself with your job while you are looking for that first software engineering job. I know that is easier said than done, this is not a fixed rule but something that makes sense to me. If you can manage to make ends meet off of 3 shifts a week instead of 4, focus on that. If 4 needs to be obtained to make ends meet, thats okay too. Just do your best to give you a chance to unwind and get into a good place for interviews. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries in your work and or personal life. It’s okay to stay in and work/apply on a Friday night. It is also okay to go out as well. Finding that balance is important. If you feel like you need a night off to decompress and get to a good place, do that! The goal is to get hired. It is important to feel refreshed and sharp in your interviews. I understand that life can get the best of us sometimes and we can’t be in two places at once so thats why I would say it is important to understand how you feel and to make you be the main focus. Somedays that means grinding leet code and learning something new on the odin project. Other days, it might mean picking up a part time job that helps pay your bills and other times you might need a night off. Finding that balance is key.



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