How to Keep Learning After a Bootcamp

Nick Silas
2 min readSep 16, 2021


It has been almost four months since I finished my bootcamp at Flatiron. I have applied to positions but haven’t gotten lucky yet. I have been trying to stay sharp for the time when I do have an interview. I have found a few helpful sites that I wanted to pass on.

The first site I have been using a lot has been The Odin Project. It has been very helpful because it mirrors itself like a bootcamp. It provides very good documentation, it has different sections for you to pick up and use as a refresher and it has helped expose me to a few new ideas that I haven’t seen yet. It can be a la cart as well. If you wanted to peek at some CSS labs, they don’t require you to finish other sections to get to it. This has been one of my go-to’s to help stay sharp but it isn’t the only one.

Believe it or not, Reddit has been a huge help for me as well. I follow a couple subreddits. Webdev is a great one for the direction I want to head. A lot of great resources are on there and the community is very open to help with questions. I follow this subreddit and it has exposed me to a lot more information than I thought it would. The big one for newbies is learntoprogram. That subreddit has a ton of information on how to get started and how to stay active in my development. They have a very detailed informational page that gives a lot of free resources. This is the number one resource I would recommend. From here, I was able to find a lot of the resources I use today and the ones I have recommended here.

I know it can be a lot sometimes but each day you focus on honing your skills, you are one step closer to getting that dream job. Keep up the hard work and happy coding friends.



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